Are you one of those people who seem to find it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep? Even if you have been in front of television for hours with boring shows, have counted a million sheep and have tried different sleeping positions, do you still lie wide awake in bed stressed with the fact that you cannot sleep?
If you are affirmative of these questions, then there is a great possibility that you belong to quite a huge number of people who have sleeping problems or sleep disorder.
Usually, people who seek general doctors' opinion concerning this condition are prescribed with medicines that could induce sleepiness. Furthermore, there are over-the-counter drugs, like sleeping pills that when taken, can induce sleep. However, these drugs sometimes have unpleasant side effects, depending on the person taking them. Sometimes, if a person also has other ailments or allergies or medical condition, he/she is advised against taking medicine that could induce artificial sleep.
Recently, a global health consciousness trend aroused an increasing number of people to watch out for their health and keep away from dangerous drugs and any other medication with questionable effects. Now, you can observe that most people tend to watch out their food and drug intake, and generally improve their lifestyle to achieve optimal well-being.
Furthermore, along with health consciousness, is the idea of implementing natural ways and methods that help remedy and cure their ailments and address other physical discomfort they are feeling.
Thus, with regards to sleeping problems or difficulties, there are people who have discovered natural methods to ultimately achieve restful sleep.
Contrary to others' beliefs, alternative and natural methods to induce sleep, that is, natural sleep aids are not associated with wizardry or witchcraft. These natural ways to achieve quality sleep have already been implemented quite a long time ago, but the effects of these vary among the persons who apply these methods.
Types of natural sleep aid
o Herbal remedies - there are plants with medicinal properties that could render a person sleepy. However, depending on an individual's health condition, some physicians' advice their patients against taking such herbal stuff since it may contradict with some medication they are taking for treatment of other conditions.
o Atmosphere/Environment - peaceful and serene surroundings can greatly help in promoting restive sleeping. A person may be enjoined to change their bedrooms' arrangements, encouraged to have a clean and well-ventilated house in a peaceful neighborhood in order to achieve a satisfying trip to dreamland.
o Exercise -engaging in physical activity that need not be rigorous or stressful can also aid a person to have relaxing and uninterrupted sleep. Walking or hiking, biking, swimming, doing gym exercises, or playing sports activities are physical activities that should be done in moderation.
An individual may also be encouraged to change their bedtime rituals since it may play a huge factor in his/her sleeplessness.
Other alternative natural ways to promote healthy sleep:
o Cognitive behavioral therapy
o Visualization
o Massages, Yoga and Meditation
o Healthy dieting
o Progressive muscle relaxation
These do not involve any form of artificial medication. Rather these methods help the body to settle down, in preparation for sleep. These natural aids may be a valuable help in helping you to gradually overcome your sleep disorder. However, effects may vary depending on the individual.
If you have tried any or most of these natural sleep aids and still, you failed to achieve healthy sleep, then it may be time for you to see a sleep specialist.
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