Monday, December 7, 2009

Sleep disorders in children - What are your kids may lose sleep

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Sleep disorders in children is not nearly as common as sleep disorders in adults, but it is still a problem for many children and their parents. If the children are constantly waking up in the middle of the night, it can influence the mood during the day, when the number of disciplinary problems at school and at home.

Other symptoms and sleep disturbances in children are irritability, mood swings, anxiety, depression, aggressiveness, reduced attention span andMemory problems. Children's sleep problems, children can go to bed too late at night caused. Sometimes parents do not have the correct expectations of hours of sleep is one of their children. Another problem is that parents can be planned too many activities for children.

And the educational system may be part of the debt into equity and that. Often, the children emphasized too much homework, and this makes it difficult to sleep. The second reasonSleep disorders in children is too much entertainment. They spend too long talking on the phone, they have too many video games, or watching too much television.

As a parent you need to know that the child is about 10-11 hours of sleep per night, if they are between the ages of 6-12, if they are young, they still need around 9 hours of sleep every night.

If a child suffers from insomnia, do not try to provide them with sleeping pills! They areyet to be approved for use in children.

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